25 July 2017
Setting up a PgMO is a challenge and finding out the start point is bigger challenge! develop and maintain PgMO success.
It was our great pleasure speaking in Sydney PMO meet up , session sponsoring by EPM-Partners, and sharing our experience in setting up a program management office for a below zero environment.
Below zero, means your hands, head and body are cold and frozen. You want to stick to your heater and love to have a hot drink or soup. You don’t like to move and there is not much sun.
Why is our case study in a below zero environment? Our case study was below zero as there was no clear visibility, no accountability and decision making was ad-hoc. In this situation project managers were fire fighters and the client was frustrated; nobody wanted to communicate. The main problem was making change was almost impossible. It seemed no one wanted to listen or follow any process, even those processes which the senior management team support.
We got the chance of setting up a Program management office for a below zero environment. We observed some opportunities and challenges in the first one or two weeks. For example, the organisation is a young organisation which makes it both challenge and opportunity.
Our 12 month journey can be broken in different phases:
The right start point and focus area, are the main key success in setting up the PgMO, especially for a frozen environment. It costs time and money to set up the structure and solutions that are not addressing the business main pain points and objectives. Our journey started from our first interview with program management team with a question of why do you need a PgMO and why PgMO? Simple answer, we want a PgMO to make our life easier, this is the sign of painful areas. Second answer: we think PgMO can connect different part of the business together, this shows the management feel the cold and believe PgMO can warm it up and create connections between different parts of the business.
In theory, the first months should be all about understanding the As-is situation. We added two steps before step one as steps -1 and 0 as:
Step -1: knowing ourselves, we did a SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Threat and Opportunity) analysis on ourselves and the high level understanding of the business. We set our target to deliver our service based on our strength.
Step 0: picture your team within the environment. The culture, team’s needs and required resources. One of the main things in below zero situations is to manage your pace with the environment temperature. Don’t rush in your process. You need to tune your pace with your customer’s pace at the beginning. When you get the buy in and the trust you can speed it up.
Then the step 1 is to analyse the as-is situation and finding out the main pain points, business requirements and stakeholders.
To do so, we used the PMO Solution Blueprint which helps to start the journey in a structure and proposing solution.
To implement the integrated solution, it’s important to use the right framework which is simple and versatile. The benefits of using the PMO Solutions framework are:
In first months of our journey we used our PMO Solutions framework to set up the foundations and structure.
A new, young, active and savvy PgMO expert is gold. Our new resource joined our team with expertise which complement the function. Getting the right resource, who can add more to your strength and mitigate your weakness is vital. Our new resource helped us to increase the temperature and helped us to engage our sponsors and stakeholders.
Christmas mood, changes in structure and big change in client’s requirements structure were our mid journey crises.
Due to the changes, the new roles introduced to the business in managing projects as “Portfolio manager”. They are responsible and accountable for managing projects in different portfolios. Through this change, PgMO plays the enabler role rather than deliverer. Our main role changed to supporting and leading the Portfolio Managers to manage their projects aligned with program benefits and outcomes.
Now a days we are looking forward to implementing an enterprise project management tool. We completed the proof of concept phase and planning for our next challenge of production phase. We selected project online and work very closely with EPM-Partners implementing an efficient system benefiting business.
As outcomes of the first 12 months, we received great feedbacks of client and our stakeholders. We see the project management maturity improved from the time we started. We get our words from different tellers which shows us we have improved.
Setting up a program management office is a challenge especially when you need to start everything from below zero. To succeed our recommendations are:
Book your time with us to explore how we can work with you to implement a warm and cosy PMO :)
PMO Solutions Australia provides Project Management Office orchestration solutions for businesses looking to streamline their internal project delivery and processing.
PMO Solutions, Level 35, One International Towers, 100 Barangaroo Ave, Sydney , NSW 2000 Australia
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